Maybe not!
But we are almost there, aren't we?
The News continues to reassure us that all is well!
Cancer patient misdiagnosed, then denied treatment
Patient's rights to their medical records. A fiction in reality? Patients have rights? For evil to prevail – it is sufficient only – that good men/women do nothing? The appearance of a link or the contents of comments, on any page, in no way indicates or implies an endorsement of any kind. Viewers are asked to advise of the presence of inappropriate comments or postings. Click on a comment link to express your view on a post. Alert a friend, to a post, by clicking on its envelope icon.
Quote from article:
"She says some health care workers might be afraid to acknowledge mistakes. She says it takes time to change an entrenched culture and make it more open."
When is Day One of this "time period to change the entrenched culture?" Has it started yet? Or does it take time to get to the starting line of this event that takes time? Reminds me of a 100 meters runner the night before his event. He has to get through time to get to the timed event that he has to also get through. But at least his event HAS to take place because lots of tickets have been sold. Not so in the above case.
I will be ticking the 'hopeless' box.
The thing that's good about your second story is that it informs the public how it is. That's if they are up-to-date enough. The bad thing is that it gives the impression that something will be done about it. As if?
So it's the public's (individual's) choice. I will never go to a hospital. Denial of my illness will serve me better than denial about the hospital's true agenda. I'm sure I have a better chance that way, especially if I've planned it and there is no stress, doubt or panic added to the situation.
The reason I feel badly for this family is that they went through so much stress. That can become just as harmful as the illness itself.
My son was turned away from North York General Hospital in the middle of the night because he had an out-of-province health card. He was a university student in Toronto and had just arrived there a few days before. He was sent home after having found his way to a hospital in a strange environment, vomiting and in terrible pain. The goon "tool" at the hospital admissions desk -- in all her mighty wisdom -- told him he shouldn't have had such a good Frosh week. What he actually had was a brain lesion in a relapse situation. He walked all the way home again with a swelling brain, calling me collect from a payphone on the way, to come and help him. I could only get there the next day.
The point here is that a chain is as strong as its weakest link. Specific people are hired to work at these hospital warehouses: Border line or full-out sociopaths who do their jobs really well!
Oops. I mean a chain is as weak as its strongest link...
This story is fascinating. I don't quite know where it belongs though...
Doctor knows best.....................
Compassionate justice..............
Helping hands............................
Oh mercy here it is:
"A GP who examined a boy hours before he died of a treatable illness
has denied her judgement was clouded
because she was arguing with his parents."
(From your Robbie Powell page)
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