One wonders when signs of this "NEW CULTURE" will become evident!
A new culture‽
A continuing culture‽
A new culture‽
A continuing culture‽
Patient's rights to their medical records. A fiction in reality? Patients have rights? For evil to prevail – it is sufficient only – that good men/women do nothing? The appearance of a link or the contents of comments, on any page, in no way indicates or implies an endorsement of any kind. Viewers are asked to advise of the presence of inappropriate comments or postings. Click on a comment link to express your view on a post. Alert a friend, to a post, by clicking on its envelope icon.
The medical profession has exemplary ethical guidelines for its members.
The various versions of the "Hippocratic
Oath" has led many to believe that a priority of the profession would be to do no harm.
Has the nearly universal privilege of "self regulation" without effective oversight corrupted the ethics of the profession and given many of its members a god like feeling that they are above the laws that govern others? Does the term "Hypocrite Oath" have descriptive merit?
Is this page another example of the privilege of, "informed consent", that we effectively have?
There is much talk always about openness. It sounds really good but it suggests something very bad...
If there is talk about openness from doctors and Colleges then gee, there must actually be lots of bad stuff going on which would be alleviated by openness..!
Why don't we have retroactive openness? Let's go back 10 years and get every doctor in this new age of "my-needs-are-greater-than- a-patient's" brand of medicine and get them to correct that misconception. Their use of the word "openness" to persuade us that they're OPEN is outrageous.
What a horrible blight on the earth they are.
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