MSF email
" On February 16, 2016, an air strike destroyed an MSF-supported hospital in Syria, killing 25 people and leaving thousands more without access to emergency medical care. Now, we're asking you to take action in support of patients, civilians and humanitarian workers around the world.
This attack is only the most recent example of a disturbing trend. In 2015 alone, 63 hospitals and clinics supported by MSF were hit by bombing and shelling in Syria – on average that’s more than once a week. In total, 23 MSF medical staff were killed last year, and 58 staff were wounded. MSF's health workers and health structures have been targeted in Yemen, South Sudan and Afghanistan, amongst other countries, causing intolerable suffering, death and destruction. These are only the most recent reported attacks against MSF, and other humanitarian organizations and national health authorities have also been targeted.
It's time that we stand up publicly and call again on warring parties to stop bombing health structures and humanitarian workers. We encourage you, as a vital member of the MSF movement, to help us by participating in our #NotATarget social media campaign.
- Use the hashtag #NotATarget on Facebook and Twitter
- Take a selfie with the #NotATarget logo
- Change your profile photo with one of our #NotATarget images
- Share our #NotATarget video
- Challenge two friends, family members or colleagues to take action
Thank you for standing in solidarity with innocent civilians and humanitarian aid workers around the world!"